At any age, a woman wants to look young and beautiful. Beauty largely depends on the condition of the facial skin. There are various techniques to stop age-related changes. Let's talk about the quick results of facial rejuvenation at home and consider the best home procedures.
Causes of aging of the epidermis
Before choosing a technique and deciding how to rejuvenate your facial skin at home, you need to understand the reasons for the death of the epidermis.
Skin fading begins for the following reasons:
- hereditary predisposition;
- excessive facial activity;
- sudden weight loss;
- Insomnia;
- smoking, alcohol;
- poor diet. An abundance of spicy, smoked and salty foods in the food. abuse of flour products and sweets;
- poor facial care;
- cosmetics that do not suit your skin type;
- cosmetics of dubious origin and quality;
- limited water consumption.
The reasons listed lead to visible fading and aging of the facial skin after the age of 40.
Basic anti-aging methods
The main methods of facial skin rejuvenation at home include the following procedures:
- Cleansing with peels;
- homemade masks;
- Use of cosmetics with a lifting effect;
- massage movements;
- exercises for rejuvenation;
- special hardware.
Facial skin rejuvenation at home requires a daily combination of the listed procedures. Let's take a closer look at the question of how to rejuvenate facial skin at home using various procedures.
Homemade anti-aging treatments
Not everyone can take advantage of the rejuvenating activities in a salon. Don't be upset. There are many effective anti-aging treatments you can do yourself.

From the age of 25, facial skin begins to age. And if no measures are taken, the skin will lose its healthy tone and become flabby. Let's look at how to rejuvenate your face at home using various techniques.
Anti-wrinkle oils
The advantage of anti-aging measures at home lies in the use of natural ingredients. You can use plant extracts for rejuvenating techniques.
Choose the best facial oil for rejuvenation based on your preferences and the type of facial epidermis:
- Lavender, jasmine and sandalwood combat sagging epidermis and wrinkles;
- Rose oil has a lifting effect and can be used for facial massage;
- You can do a special rejuvenating massage with carrot oil. Carrots serve as protection from the sun's rays and restore elasticity to the epidermis;
- Jasmine is suitable for sensitive and dry skin. Masks with a rejuvenating effect are made from an extract of the plant;
- Neroli removes fine wrinkles, helps renew and restore the epidermis;
- Juniper is used to tighten pores on the face.
Oils for facial rejuvenation at home, in addition to rejuvenation, moisturize and nourish the epidermis.
Try making an anti-aging composition from oils:
- Jojoba (15 ml), Sandalwood (3 drops), Frankincense (4 drops);
- The mixture is applied to the face and left on for 10 minutes.
The product residues are washed off with a cleansing foam tailored to your skin type.
Many oils are contained in anti-aging masks. Prepare the following recipe:
- You need white cosmetic clay (5 g), 1 drop each of jojoba and sandalwood oil and 3 drops of geranium oil;
- The components are mixed and applied to the face.
The mask is left on the face for 20 minutes. The proposed composition helps to eliminate sagging epidermis while improving skin tone.
Oils from plant extracts can be used for facial massage. Take hazelnut and rosehip oil (3: 1 ratio). The anti-aging composition is applied to the face every other day, preferably in the evening. The remnants of the mask are not washed off, but removed with a dry paper napkin.
You can use rosehip oil to eliminate wrinkles around the eyes and mouth. To prepare it you need to take 3 drops of rosehip oil and add 1 ml of eye serum suitable for your skin type. The resulting composition is applied to the eyelids and the skin around the lips using discs soaked in the composition. After 10 minutes, the remaining product is removed with a napkin.

Homemade masks must be used immediately. Do not leave the compositions stored in the refrigerator.
Homemade rejuvenation cream
Try making your own special facial rejuvenation cream at home. Plant extracts that match your skin type are selected as the main components of the homemade cream.
If your skin is not a problem, you can use orange or lemon oil.
If the epidermis is dry, use rose oil or geranium extract.
Lemon is ideal for problem skin. And for combined epidermis take neroli or mint.
Lavender in a homemade composition is considered the best option for all types of facial skin.
Preparation of a homemade facial rejuvenation cream at home:
- First we prepare a tonic from rose petals. Grind the petals (dried or from fresh flowers). You need 1 tbsp. l. Petals poured with a glass of boiling water and boiled for 5 minutes. The resulting composition is filtered;
- Let's start preparing the cream. Take honey (1 tsp) and a decoction of rose petals (1 tsp) and mix it. Heat the mixture in a water bath.
- Mix beeswax (2 tbsp) with shea butter (1 tbsp) and heat. Next, add coconut oil (1 tsp) and almond oil (1 tbsp);
- Finally, honey is added in combination with Rose Tonic and mixed with the mixture;
- All components are mixed without removing the container from the heat. Whisk the mixture with a whisk while cooking.
Ready-made rejuvenating cream to be applied daily to the face.
To rejuvenate your face yourself, you need to combine various anti-aging procedures. Therefore, facial rejuvenation massage at home goes well with the use of masks and creams. With regular massage sessions you can achieve the following results:
- the facial contour is tightened;
- Wrinkles are eliminated due to improved blood circulation;
- They can eliminate puffiness, bags and dark circles under the eyes;
- Massage promotes the normal activity of the sebaceous glands, eliminates acne spots and blackheads.
To perform a massage at home, you must follow the following steps:
- Before the event, you need to remove makeup from your face;
- To carry out the session, take cream or oil so that your fingers can glide comfortably.
- sit in front of the mirror;
- Studying movements that should be performed strictly on the model of massage.
To achieve the effect, home massage must be done every day or every other day.

There are various massage techniques with rejuvenating results. The classic procedure consists of the following exercises:
- First, stroking movements are carried out along all massage lines. Stroke the lines of your forehead, eyes, cheeks and nose five times.
- then pressing movements are performed on the forehead (from the eyebrows to the place of hair growth, up and down to the eyebrows and between them);
- Finally, tap your fingertips along the massage lines on your forehead.
- To massage the eye area (from the inside of the eyebrows to the outside), you need to make circular, stroking movements (5 times);
- Tapping in the nose area is done from the middle to the tip and then to the eyebrows.
- The cheeks are processed in the following directions: from the nose to the temples, from the lips to the ears, from the chin to the ears.
The entire massage is performed with the index, ring and middle fingers. At the end of the session, you need to lightly stroke the back of the neck.
Hardware rejuvenation procedures are carried out independently
To stop the aging process of the epidermis, you can use facial rejuvenation devices at home. All devices are designed to correct the facial contour and improve the structure of the surface layer of the epidermis. Rejuvenation devices are characterized by the following properties:
Device | action |
LED | Normalizes blood circulation and supports the formation of natural collagen |
Powered by microcurrents | Restores the function of facial muscles |
Galvanic | Tighten the epidermis |
Laser | Help renew the surface layers of the epidermis and remove dead skin particles |
Home hardware procedures have the following features:
- With the help of devices you can influence the deep layers of the skin and at the same time treat the surface of the epidermis;
- The effect will be noticeable after a month of regular procedures.
With the help of hardware rejuvenation techniques, carried out independently, you can completely eliminate facial wrinkles, eliminate sagging epidermis and effectively tighten the skin.
Fast options for regeneration
Many women are interested in how to quickly rejuvenate their face at home, investing less time and money. To achieve the fastest results, in addition to basic anti-aging procedures, the following additional measures must be carried out:
- If you go outside, use a cream that contains ingredients that protect against sun exposure. Stay out of the sun less and wear dark glasses.
- Pay attention to your facial expressions when you show emotions.
- try to get enough sleep;
- Be aware of your food. Eliminate spicy, smoked and salty foods from your diet. Eat less starchy and sweet foods, drink more non-carbonated drinking water;
- Perform rejuvenating activities daily, combining different techniques.

To achieve the fastest rejuvenation results, do not forget about daily cleansing procedures. Regardless of your skin type, use homemade scrubs and scrubs. After treatment with a peeling, the face begins to breathe as the pores are cleaned. To prepare scrubs, use coffee grounds, salt, soda and sugar.
You can achieve an immediate rejuvenating result if you treat your skin with a peeling made from lemon juice and coffee (ground). A cleansing gel suitable for your skin type is mixed into the components. After treatment with a peeling, the skin acquires a healthy tone and becomes more elastic.
Facial rejuvenation gymnastics
To rejuvenate the skin of the face, special gymnastics measures are carried out at home. Facial exercises have the following effect:
- strengthens facial muscles;
- normalizes blood flow so that tissues are saturated with oxygen;
- relieves stress.
To perform anti-aging exercises for the face, you must follow the following recommendations:
- Before training, you need to cleanse your face with cosmetics that suit your skin type. If your skin is too sensitive, apply eye cream;
- Try to maintain a straight posture when doing the exercises (do the exercises while sitting on an exercise ball);
- Try to perform movements in a relaxed state;
- For the first time, it is recommended to perform anti-aging movements in front of a mirror;
- After completing the complex, you need to cleanse your face again. During exercise, the activity of the sebaceous glands is activated and the pores become clogged again;
- Facial exercises must be performed carefully so as not to damage the epidermis.
There are several sets of specific exercises designed for different skin types. Therefore, a special, gentle technique was developed for sensitive skin, combining exercises with elements of massage and yoga.
Watch the position of your back and head while exercising.
To achieve anti-aging results, you need to combine different home treatments. You should not hope that after several procedures your face will immediately become younger. Only regular use of anti-aging treatments produces effective results.